There are COGS CLUBS throughout Kent run by charitable organisations such as Age Concern, and Crossroads plus private individuals skilled in this area of work and a Care Home. More clubs are being planned and will be added to the website as they progress.
For further information about how to make a referral please contact the lead facilitator of the club you are interested in. They will arrange to meet the person with dementia and/or relatives/carers to discuss the club and costs etc.
Most clubs are assisted by volunteers of the organisation responsible for the club.
Anyone interested in volunteering for a club should contact the lead facilitator as indicated in this section. They will arrange a meeting with you to discuss your availability etc. You should expect to provide references and be prepared for them to carry out a DBS check before you start.
Starting a Club
Most clubs are run by charitable organisations, or a Care Home or by private individuals who have taken out all necessary insurances and are skilled in this area of work. For anyone interested in starting a club, guidelines can be provided followed by a visit to present the concept and answer any questions. The principle of a Cogs Club is that they are then provided with a 14 week programme and given on the job training for 3 weeks or more (as needed). The Club then becomes self sufficient calling on a local Admiral Nurse/ local Mental Health Team/GP's / Social Services for referrals. This means that whoever is running the club, be it a Care Home/Church or someone else, they would be responsible for the club and collection of subs (which are determined by the Club). The members pay a subscription to attend the club each week. This varies depending on the overhead costs. At present the range is £8 - £25 each week.
If a club wants to change the structure/routine they have to return the resource pack and cannot call themselves a Cogs Club.